Extra content on Rosignano Night (2004), along with some tips for night shots. Night-time photography can be tricky – watch the video to find out how we set the correct flash exposure to get both the people in the foreground and the distant smokestacks in the background. It’s all very simple!

“Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before.”
Edgar Allan Poe

Some extra contents about a photo of mine that is not so well known, but which I consider very interesting. Rosignano Night, 2004 shows the renowned Spiagge Bianche (“White Beaches”) at night during a summer party: here the landscape is almost entirely made of people, while the distant smokestacks frame the scene in the background.
Wondering how we managed to capture both the people in the foreground and the chimneys in the background, creating such a “hellish” image? Find out how we set flash and exposure for this night shot in the video below. It’s all very simple!

That night I got to spend a long time observing people, following little events, imagining situations and making up my own stories. In the end, I only took four pictures and just one (#1952) has been chosen, edited and printed.
How do I decide when is the right moment to shoot? The height of the scaffolding allows me to have an overview of the crowd, identify some groups of people that seem prominent and follow what they are doing. When I have maybe two or three points of interest unfolding at the same time, then that’s a good time to take the picture. I don’t believe in the decisive moment, my pictures are not based on any important or interesting fact. It’s just my fantasy.

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